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Life Sciences - BioTech & MedTech job board


BioTechVibes  is an incredibly targeted place to reach professionals in niche of BioTech, MedTech, and Life Science or to find new job. 


 What does an Employer get at BioTechVibes?

  • Free account
  • Free powerful Employer Branding options - editable company profile supported by videos and pictures - depends on your creativity only
  • 30+ industry-specific Job Categories - BioTech & MedTech, including Computational Medicine, Data Science, Technology Transfer and more
  • Easy and Intuitive navigation and job posting
  • Access to a great pool of Life Sciences professionals
  • Competitive Prices

  What does a Job Seeker get at BioTechVibes?

  • Free account
  • 30+ industry-specific Job Categories - BioTech & MedTech, including Computational Medicine and Data Science, Data Science, Technology Transfer and more
  • Easy and Intuitive navigation
  • Targeted information about new job postings by setting up categories interesting for you
  • Easy application - directly from the Job Seeker account

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